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Cancellation & Refund

Cancellation & Refund

If you cancel the cleaning with us 7 days before the booked date, you will receive a refund less a $25 admin fee.

If you cancel the cleaning with us 5 days before the booked date, you will receive a refund less a $50 admin fee.

If you cancel the cleaning with us within a period of 5 days to 2 days before the booked date, then you will be charged a $75 cancellation.

If you cancel the cleaning within 24 hours from the booking date, the customer authorises the following fees can be charged to the credit card details supplied and kept on file as follows: Total Job cost of up to $500 will incur a $150 cancellation charge; Total Job cost over $500 will incur a $250 cancellation charge.

We hold all rights to cancel the job if we deem the condition of the property is dangerous for the safety, health or well being of our staff or if We are unable to access the property as agreed. Same day cancellation fees will apply.

We reserve the right to re-schedule or cancel any cleaning services if the property is not as described either in condition or size, or if unexpected circumstances occur.